Grooming sessions on ‘Skills for Dream Job’ were conducted in various colleges for final year students
Interaction on Effective Office Management @ Jalgaon branch of ICAI
Induction training was organised for first year students of SSBT’s COET, Jalagon. 250+ students participated in this training.
Workshop on ‘Electronics for Agriculture’ @ SNJB’s KBJCOE, Chandwad & Govt. Polytechnic, Jalgaon
Team bonding workshops were conducted for professionals of various organisations
Interaction with academia & industries developing eco-system of electronics engineering
Entrepreneurship awareness & development workshops prove motivation for students
‘EMPOWER’ – Employability Skills Assessment programme is launched recently
Unique program on – Develop your personality traits with the forts was launched recently
Work culture workshops were conducted for teaching & non-teaching faculties of various colleges
Effective interaction with first year students during induction programmes
Workshop on Professional Ethics for engineering students @ SSBT’s COET, Jalgaon
Grooming the students on English communication through Business English Workshops
Interaction with pharmacists during conference on HR perspectives @ MET, Nashik
GATI appreciated its selected clients for their continuous association